Hidden dimensions event for the ,,Unseen’’ clothing brand.
Non profit booking required public event to express the hidden earth dimensions in a visible way.
Allowing audience to experience what is hidden in a real time and space. Using unseen elegant aesthetics in overall space design and mysterious message in installation. Creating space/experience where people can understand what is already understood but see what is not normally seen. And how very simple things can hide more inside of them.
Non profit booking required public event to express the hidden earth dimensions in a visible way.
Allowing audience to experience what is hidden in a real time and space. Using unseen elegant aesthetics in overall space design and mysterious message in installation. Creating space/experience where people can understand what is already understood but see what is not normally seen. And how very simple things can hide more inside of them.

Projection mapping on the 3d surface, translating brand image via colour, movement,and shape.