Critical design project analysing plausible future of sensory essence recycling in the modern life.
In collaboration with three of my classmates in Design for branded spaces course we were asked to create our own brief of branded spaces futures. We decided to take on critical and experimental design pathway. The outcome of this project is a storyline of plausibilities.
This spatial atmosphere can be understood as a condition in which the human and space are fused together.Furthermore, coincidental/accidental meeting, mediums using potential objects, reorganisation of the center due to autonomous boundaries, as well as the three temporalities were identified as the main factors in the creation of spatial atmosphere
from an article ''The Meaning of Spatial Atmosphere as an Emotional Space Experience Phenomenon and Spatial Design Implementation Methods - Focused on The O.F. Bollnow's Space Theory and The Spatial Design of Peter Zumthor'' Yun-Jung Kim
In collaboration with three of my classmates in Design for branded spaces course we were asked to create our own brief of branded spaces futures. We decided to take on critical and experimental design pathway. The outcome of this project is a storyline of plausibilities.
This spatial atmosphere can be understood as a condition in which the human and space are fused together.Furthermore, coincidental/accidental meeting, mediums using potential objects, reorganisation of the center due to autonomous boundaries, as well as the three temporalities were identified as the main factors in the creation of spatial atmosphere
from an article ''The Meaning of Spatial Atmosphere as an Emotional Space Experience Phenomenon and Spatial Design Implementation Methods - Focused on The O.F. Bollnow's Space Theory and The Spatial Design of Peter Zumthor'' Yun-Jung Kim

death is no longer permanent